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Welcome to Peace Place...Dwell in this Moment

Peace Place is a free online journal. Here you'll find  gentle invitations and suggestions for bringing more peace into your life as well as links to some other peace related sites on the web you may find interesting. You are welcome!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It Was The Best of Times/It Was the Worst of Times
So much seeming loss of life savings...the economies of the world are in a state of redefinition. Gas prices are down, but so is a sense of optimism about personal and collective wealth. It seems like it may be one of the worst of times, but how do you measure wealth? Dollars and cents? Possibly we should revisit the sense of abundance and consider what we have compared to others in the poorer parts of the world. The monetary crisis may have the consequence of helping to reveal the true wealth which can be found in community with others rather than in personal accumulation. Reconsider what really is the best of times...the worst of times. Perhaps this experience of "loss" will become one of "gain" if we revisit and newly comprehend what true wealth is.

Peace to you this day. Peace.
11:04 pm est 

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Quote of the Day:
There is no way to peace...peace is the way...


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Practice peace today in your life and in your world.